Marko Gavrilovic Contemporary artist

Contemporary art, light sculptures, flying drawings, sharks, city paintings

Marko Gavrilovic Contemporary artist

Full Description

I was born in 1975 Belgrade, Serbia, graduated at the Academy of Applied Arts and Design in 2001 Belgrade. For the last fifteen years I have been practiced acrylic, sculpture, design, illustration and drawing.
I’m a member of Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia.
Interests in light and its connection with design made me to establish Notus Light studio where in the cooperation with my team we reproduced more than 200 light-designed pieces during recent years. I’m constantly painting and exhibiting in my country and Europe and have artworks in many private collections throughout the world.
Gavrilovic represented Serbia at the International Global 2010 Fine Art Exhibition for the FIFA World Cup, art event dedicated to lovers of art and sport.


Belgrade, Serbia